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A Sustainable Future Through Organic Waste Recycling

At EarthSOS, we believe in the power of innovation and environmental stewardship. Led by Will Hansen, we are a small team of passionate individuals dedicated to finding sustainable solutions to the pressing issue of climate change. Our journey began with a vision to remove all organic waste from landfill – revolutionising organic waste recycling in the process. Six years on, our scalable and modular system, powered by specialised enzymes, can convert end-of-life organics into a valuable soil conditioner within just four hours.

About Us
About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is twofold – to reduce biogenic methane emissions from landfill through effective organic waste recycling solutions, and to promote community-driven initiatives for a greener, healthier world. By strategically placing our systems around Aotearoa New Zealand, we aim to achieve 100% elimination of organic materials going to landfills.

Our values

Be good ancestors

We will preserve and restore our natural environment by recognising organic materials as a valuable resource, instead of just a waste stream.

Be the change

We will contribute to the reduction of biogenic methane emissions, aligning with the Climate Change Commission’s ambitious 40% target by 2035.

Grow hope

We will provide communities with a practical way to lower their carbon footprint. We’ll improve well-being through job creation and local food systems.

Make it easy

We will make dealing with organic waste easy, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

About Us

At Earth Starch Passionate for the environment, passionate for change….

Just selling compostable bags is NOT the answer

The solution is far greater than commercial enterprise

At Earth Starch we believe there is a growing requirement for ‘vendor responsibility’ where vendors MUST consider the impacts of their products on the environment and society. We need to ensure our products have a complete life cycle. Traditional linear models in products and business have NO place in our world.


Backing our beliefs, Earth Starch has been working on several initiatives over the past few years, like; An alternate organic waste collection and disposal system to support and/or replace existing options

  • Providing a true circular life cycle for Earth Starch products that also provides an educational base for future social activities
  • Working with manufacturers to establish true circular products to replace some problematic plastic products
  • Helping to create awareness on our environmental and social obligations around waste and our attitude towards it
  • Providing accurate and honest information to industry and consumers about Earth Starch products so informed decisions are made


Change MUST happen…… all levels.

From Government – who need to create a waste framework/legislation.

To local Government and industry to provide an infra-structure to operate within the framework.

Then business and consumers need to utilise the facilities to provide a cleaner, healthier environment. This will require sustained education from all industry participants.

When you are thinking about sourcing compostable bags for your business or home – think Earth Starch we will help you make informed decisions.

Our Process

Proven in New Zealand
100% landfill reduction of organic waste
2.5 - 4 hour process
Pollution-free process
Pathogen free
Waste reduction reporting
NZS4454:2005 compliant
FOGO capable
Urban sprawl friendly
Process compostable packaging, cardboard & paper without separation

Our Small And Creative Team Will Amaze You With Professionalism And Fresh Ideas Our Team

Green Keeper For 16 years I drove past some GRAFITTI: We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors We borrow it from our children I had no idea the significance at the time.

Will Hansen

Green Keeper
For 16 years I drove past some GRAFITTI: We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors We borrow it from our children I had no idea the significance at the time.
Guardian I remember coming home from the grocery store with paper bags and glass bottles. Our milk was delivered in glass bottles and the milkman took the empty bottles away.

Judy Harris

I remember coming home from the grocery store with paper bags and glass bottles. Our milk was delivered in glass bottles and the milkman took the empty bottles away.

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Passionate for the environment, passionate for change….

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